Saturday, January 9, 2016

Sculpting with Seashells

I recently decided that I was going to use all the leftover sculpey I had in my art junk drawer to make myself a soapdish for my bathroom. I had been given a lot of really nice handmade soaps and I had no where to put them.

My towels, for no other reason than thats just what I have been given, had a seashell theme and I decided to stick with it... but... the first draft just wasnt looking right.

I had this very cool image in my head and I wanted to get it just right and I was getting more and more frustrated with not being able to get the sculpey to do what I wanted and at some point it dawned on me "Why dont I just go BUY an actual seashell and sculpt around it rather than trying to replicate one."

So thats what I did, and oh man, it was smooth sailing after that. Im actually pretty impressed with myself. Ive never been able to get a line drawing or painting as close to what I had imagined in my head as I have gotten with this soapdish.


I hadnt originally planned it but I added in extra seashells and texture and I was worried about painting it, Id never painted sculpey before, I always left it bare or bought colored sculpey-- but at this point I was determined to have it exactly the way I was imagining it.


 5 more layers of paint and Modge Podge substituting for clear coat later--- I have a tentacle soapdish.

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