Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"The Ark"

Okay! So I have been SUPER busy this summer. Havent had a whole lot of time for doodles, but thats ok. I was hired to paint some murals over at the First United Methodist Church in my home town. (Lowell, MI)

I say murals. But it was more like, a whole building redo. In order to make their Sunday school wing more "kid friendly" the Education committee petitioned to rename it "The Ark" and then hired me for its redesign. So Ive spent most of my summer painting to make it look like.... an Ark instead of the bland Lavender color that was there before. (They even installed a little steering wheel for the kids to go with my painting!)

The two floors were relabeled "Upper deck" and "Lower deck" And I painted the top floor to look like the top of the boat, and the downstairs hallway to look like the side of the ark submerged underwater. Its been a lot of fun, even if brick is by far the most flustering canvas for detail work.

Its still a work in progress (Id say I only have like 12 hours of work ahead of me though!)  and this is going to end up being a horridly long post, I know, but here are some photos of what Ive done so far.

And Bloggers post formatting with multiple images really upsets me so I dont know how much patience I will put into formatting this correctly, Im sorry.

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